Our Internal See-Saw!

Sometimes in life we attempt to accomplish more than what is actually needed. We attempt to carry more than our two little hands can safely handle. We want to save the world, when in fact all that is necessary is that we save ourselves. Saving ourselves simply means becoming present inside of ourselves and allowing the universe to move us into our proverbial lane. Allowing our lives to ecologically evolve into the form that is~ our truth. I have come to know that we must not attempt to take on more than what is necessary. We must allow ourselves to be not only good; but great at at least one thing on this journey. Being great at one thing simply requires that we put down all of the things that do not bring our life joy~and then focus our energy on that one thing that we truly desire to do. The more that I seek knowledge, the more I realize that it is the knowledge of who we are: that allows us to gain more knowledge, it opens us up to accept the present m...