The Road to Destiny

God only see(s) the person that I truly am--or the person that I am destined to be.He see(s) me in the future.He already knows who I will be ten years from now.My job is to trust him and know that, all that I endure.. is preparing me for HIS destined place that HE has ordained for me. Life will take us through twist and turns, but each twist and each turn is a part of the divine journey.When we look back on our journey we can better understand the what and why of each event in our lives. When we are able to connect the dots of our lives and truly understand the meaning and purpose of our journey, then and only then will we be able to walk our divine walk that leads to our destined place. No one said that the journey would be easy, actually the hard and pain-staking parts of the journey is where the growth lies.It is where( IF).. we truly reflect, that true understanding of ourselves and others emerges. PAIN and HARDSHIP sometimes leads to a clearer understanding of PURPOSE.Bu...